zaterdag 12 juli 2008

Other bus news

Apart from the game 'bingo' on the bus there are other odd things to be mentioned:
  • they ask for your fingerpint, with the right hand por favor;
  • they capture everyone on camera (sometimes when you are already confortable in your chair) as a safety precaution (actually that means they can identify you when something happens, but let's not go there);
  • in Arequipa I had to pay a transport tax for the very first time.

    One can see I am entering the touristisc zone... (in Cusco I paid 2 soles per minute for a phone call whereas I normally pay 0,8 soles).

I am in Cusco (my last stop in Peru) but I 'll tell you all about that, Machu Picchu and the Valley and Arequipa when I get back from my Inca-trip.

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