woensdag 28 mei 2008

Basic needs? UPDATE

Indeed, question mark.

In Jaén, my residence place for a couple of months, they cut electricity I think about once in ten days. And that is not so bad, at least not at this side of the world. And this is not being arrogant, but being realistic, because if you would cut electricity in my hometown and its surroundings life just stops. We depend for about everything on electricity. Luckily this is not the case here.

BUT today they cut water supply and thát, ladies and gentlemen, is a huge deal. Water is the key of living. It is what power point presentations, published documents teach us if we talk about the contamination due to minery or the lack of rain and thus water due to illegal forrest cutting. But that remains abstract; if however you wake up finding out there is no water things get a little bit more concrete and the bigger picture suddenly hits you. Water IS a basic need for everyone and we should sherish and protect their source!

Update: the on and off of our water supply was individual. Still, my observations stand!

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